Featuring both glass and metal components, these sliding doors represent a versatile and cost-effective choice in glass shower doors. By-pass doors can be part of a larger glass shower enclosure, but they can also be added to a tub to take the place of the shower curtain. Their timeless style and high level of functionality make by-pass doors and enclosures products worth considering. Call us today for more information on by-pass shower doors.
The door panels themselves are fashioned from frameless glass, and a thin strip of aluminum framing extends around the perimeter of the enclosure to create a semi-frameless shower overall. In addition to the doors, sections of fixed glass may be included on a by-pass unit. For example, if by-pass doors are added to a tub that has walls on two sides, a 90-degree glass return will be installed to fully enclose the space. Likewise, fixed panels can be used along with by-pass doors to build a glass shower enclosure that is totally separate from the tub.
Most significantly, you can choose from among many options in transparent or privacy glass – clear, patterned, or obscured. The shower doors can be further personalized through your selection of a handle style, the framing, and the finish for hardware.
When you order a by-pass shower stall or tub door from ABC, you can be confident that it will be: